Eating on the Go

I’m pretty sure packing my school lunches was the bane of my mother’s existence. I was extremely opinionated on what I would eat and if she packed something that didn’t sound good, I just wouldn’t eat it. I went through a long phase where I hated sandwiches and I didn’t go to one of those hip schools where you could warm up things in a communal cafeteria microwave. When I was in high school my mother would actually warm up soup for me and bring it to me during our lunch just so I wouldn’t go hungry. My mother really is a saint. We aren’t to the school lunch packing phase of our life yet, but we do often have to put together meals for road trips or hikes and a lot of the same rules apply. I realize a lot of people just eat out when they’re away from home, but my body can really only handle restaurant food once a day (sign #15 that I’m almost 30) so packing some of our own stuff is a happy tummy necessity. We do our best to hit up all the food groups and eat things that won’t take too much time away from our adventure. I also try to choose items that can fit in my small cooler or can go a short time without being refrigerated. Here are some of our most frequently eaten items on the go.

Meals while traveling.
  • Crackers, cheese, and Salami.
  • Fresh fruit (apples, berries, cut pineapple, grapes, cherries, etc)
  • Fresh veggies (carrot sticks, celery sticks, grape tomatoes, sliced bell peppers, etc)
  • PB&Js, cold cuts, tuna sandwiches, or wraps – Grab condiments like mayo, mustard, and relish at a deli or gas station.
  • Chips and dip – Blue Cheese Garlic Dip anyone?
  • Chips and Salsa
  • Salad – Quality store bought salads are perfect for this, but you can also make your own. This one probably isn’t a good option for hiking trips.
  • Yogurt – You can always use more healthy bacteria while traveling. If taking backpacking/hiking freeze prior to heading out.
  • Shelf stable milk
  • Egg and bacon sandwiches  – We pre-cook the bacon at home and fry the eggs using our backpacking stove and backpacking skillet.
  • Backpacking Spinach Artichoke Dip and pita chips
  • Canned or dried soup and crackers – Warm up on the backpacking stove.
  • Cookies – For those with sweet tooths.
  • Trail Mix – For snacking. Check out my friend Valerie’s Basic Trail Mix recipe. (Her blog is also a great resource for ideas of places you might go that might require you to use some of these recipes.)

What do you eat when you’re on the go?

Meals on the Road


Written by Audrey

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