According to age, we’re technically millennials. But when it comes to social media we’re kind of late bloomers. We literally joined Facebook after both of our moms did. Really, we were hoping Facebook would just go the way of the world like Myspace, but it just wouldn’t die and we just ended up being in the dark on so many things. I still can’t say that we’ve fully embraced the “social lifestyle.” We’ll probably always prefer face to face conversations and long thought out blog posts, but we’ve joined the party and we’re posting here and there.
By this point, Dirty Dish Club is on Facebook (we rarely post anything that will make you want to unfriend us), Twitter (for those that want things to be short and sweet), Instagram (for those that want to drool over the food we’re eating), and Pinterest (for those that are looking for Dirty Dish Club Kitchen approved recipes). This blog will always be our home base, but in case one of those other platforms is your preferred way to keep up with the world, make sure you follow us so you can stay up to date on posts and other fun tidbits. And if you’re old school (we like you already), you can subscribe to our email list on the sidebar and have our posts show up in your email without having to see what anyone from high school is doing.
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