Showing some cairns some love.
Last week was our son’s spring break and the desert was calling our names. Both Noel and I have a special place in our heart for red rock country having spent many formative years and moments in Nevada, Arizona, and Utah and I think we were a little homesick for red dirt. We spent a long weekend wandering the desert on our own two feet, even the little people, quenching a thirst only a desert can.
While I always try to follow rule #7 of Camp Kitchen 101, I think this trip was my most successful attempt so far and I had to share. It took some careful prep work at home, but once everything was loaded in the cooler and we hit the road most of it was a breeze. As a bonus, the plan was very thoughtfully lacking in high FODMAPs. No one wants to spend more time with a vault toilet than is absolutely necessary.
Day One:
Lunch – PB&Js, grapes, string cheese, and mini bell peppers (You could also just slice regular bell peppers, the minis were just on sale.) and carrot sticks with ranch dressing.
Dinner –
Honey Chicken Kabobs and Veggie Kabobs (We did all bell peppers and marinated them with the meat.)
Tinfoil dinners cooking by Noel’s awesome fire.
Day Two:
Breakfast – Leftover cobbler, breakfast burritos (on
our tortillas), yogurt, and hot chocolate
Dinner – Tinfoil dinners with ground beef, zucchini, yellow squash, potatoes, and seasonings (Tip: Put these in the freezer the night before your trip and they’ll stay nice and chilled until you need them.) and cantaloupe (Full disclosure: the grocery store ruined my cantaloupe plans. I couldn’t find one anywhere despite them being in their weekly ad. We had grapes instead.)
Dessert – S’mores (We opt for fudge grahams and marshmallows. It’s less complicated and messy, plus I prefer the ratio of chocolate they provide.)
Day Three:
Breakfast – Overnight oats (We tried an
almond maple version, but either I left out an ingredient or it needs some tweaks, but I can confidently recommend my
Raspberries & Cream version.), eggs, and shelf stable milks.
Dinner – Stir fry at home
We’re so excited to be heading into the thick of camping season and will certainly be sharing more tips, tricks, and recipes with you. In the meantime, check out out our
camp kitchen tag for more inspiration!
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